Instruction Set of 8085 Microprocessor | Classification of Instruction set of 8085 Microprocessor

In this lecture, we are going to learn about what is instructions, the Instruction set of 8085 microprocessors, and the classification of the instruction set of 8085 microprocessors. so let’s discuss it one by one in a detailed manner.

Introduction of Instruction

An instruction is a binary pattern designed inside a microprocessor to perform a specified function. In other words, we can say An instruction is a command given task on specified data.

Each instruction has two parts:

  1. One is the task to be performed, called the “operation code” (OPCODE).
  2. Second is the data to be operated on called the “OPERAND”.

The operand  ( or data) may include 8-bit or 16-bit data, on the internal register, a memory location, or an 8-bit or 16-bit address.

Introduction of Instruction Sets

The instruction set is a collection of Instructions of the Microprocessor, that determines what functions the microprocessor can perform.

In data transfer, the contents of the source are not destroyed; only the contents of the destination are changed.

An I/O device can transfer or receive data from the accumulator but not from other registers (except for the memory-mapped I/O device).

Arithmetic and logical operations are performed with the contents of the accumulator, and the results are stored in the accumulator.

Any register including memory can be used for increment and decrement.

A program sequence can be changed either conditionally or by testing for given data conditions.

In some instructions, data is implied. Most instructions of this type operate on the content of the accumulator.

Classification of Instruction Set of 8085

classification of instruction set of 8085

Types of Instruction set of  8085 based on Length of Word size

1-byte or One-word Instruction set of 8085

  • A one-byte instruction includes the opcode and the operand in the same byte.
  • Examples of this type are:
    • MOV A, B
    • ADD B
    • RAL
    • CMA, etc.

For 1-byte Instruction:

Copy the contents of the accumulator in Register CMOVC, A
Add the contents of the register B to the contents of the  accumulatorADDB
Invert  (Complement) each bit in the accumulatorCMA 
  • The above instructions are 1-byte instructions performing three different tasks.
  • In the first instruction, both operand registers are specified.
  • In the second instruction, operand B is specified and the accumulator is assumed.
  • Similarly, in the third instruction, the accumulator is assumed to be the implicit operand.
  • These instructions are stored in an 8-bit binary format in memory; each requires one memory location.

The 2-byte or 2-word Instruction set of 8085

  • In a 2-byte instruction, the 1st-byte specifies the opcode and the 2nd-byte specifies the operand.
    • MVI B, 05
    • IN 01 etc.

For 2-byte Instruction:

TaskOpcodeOperandHex Code
Load an 8-bit data byte in the accumulatorMVIA, Data1st byte, data 2nd byte
  • Assume the data byte is 32H. The assembly language instruction is written as:
    • Mnemonics: MVI A, 32H
  • This instruction would require two memory locations to store n memory.

The 3-byte or 3-word Instruction set of 8085

  • In a 3-byte instruction, the 1st byte specifies the opcode and the following two bytes specify the 16-bit address such that the 2nd byte is a low-order address and the 3rd byte is a high-order address.
    • LXI H, 2400H
    • LDA 2500H
    • JMP 2085H etc.

For 3-byte Instruction:

TaskOpcodeOperandHex Code
Transfer the program sequence to the memory location 2085HJMP2085 HC3 is 1st byte, 85 2nd byte, and 20 3rd byte.
  •  This instruction would require three memory locations to store in the memory.

Types of Instruction set of  8085 based on Addressing Modes:

1. Direct Addressing Mode Instruction set of 8085

  • In this instruction set, the direct address contains the address of the operand within the instruction itself.
    • LDA 2600 H
    • IN 05
    • OUT 07
    • STA 2700 H

2. Register Addressing Mode Instruction set of 8085

  • In this type of instruction set, operands will be present in the micro-process registers.
    • MOV A, B
    • ADD B
    • SUB C

3. Register Indirect Addressing Mode Instruction set of 8085

  • In this type of instruction, the operands will present in memory (M) and the address of memory is present register pair.
  • It is also called “indirect addressing mode type instruction set”.
    • MOV A, M
    • ADD M
    • LDAX B

4. Immediate Addressing Mode Instruction set of 8085

  • In this type, the operand and data are specified within the instruction itself.
  • In other words, we can say, this type of instruction has an operand field rather than an address field.
    • MVI A, 25
    • ADI 36

5. Implicit Addressing Mode Instruction set of 8085

  • If operations of the microprocessor are performed by the accumulator alone or machine control instructions, then it contains an implied addressing type.
    • e.g. CMA, RAL, DAA

Also Read: What are the types of addressing modes of 8085 microprocessors?

Types of Instruction set of  8085 based on Operation Modes

1. Data Transfer Instruction set of 8085

Read In Detail: Data Transfer Instructions in 8085

In this group, the data in transfer,

  • From register to register
  • Between memory and register
  • Between I/O and accumulator
  • Load an 8-bit number in a register
  • Load a 16-bit number in a register pair.
Instruction SetMeaningExampleAddressing ModeT-StatesMachine CycleAffected FlagsBytes of Instruction

MOV r1, r2

[r1] ← [r2]

Move the content of one register to another register MOV A, B

Register addressing mode

4T1 MCNone1-byte

MOV r, M

[r] ← [M] or

[r] ← [[H,L]]

Move content of memory to register


Register indirect addressing mode

7T2 MCNone1-byte

MOV M, r

[M] ← [r] or

[[H,L]]  ← [r]

Move content of register to memory


Register indirect addressing mode

7T2 MCNone1-byte

MOV r, data

[r] ← data

Move immediate data to register

MOV A, 05H

Immediate addressing mode

7T2 MCNone2-byte

LXI rp, 16-bit data

[rp] ← 16-bit data;

[rh] ← 8 MSBs of data,[rl] ← 8 LSBs of data

Load register pair immediately

LXI H, 2800H, i.e. [L] ← [00],[H] ← [28]

Immediate addressing mode

10T3 MCNone3-byte

LDA address

[A] ← [[address]]

Load accumulator direct

LDA  2400H

direct addressing mode

13T4 MCNone3-byte

STA address

[[address]] ← [A]

store accumulator direct

STA  2000H

direct addressing mode

13T4 MCNone3-byte

LHLD address

[L] ← [[address]],

[H] ← [[address + 1]]

Load H-L pair direct

LHLD  2500H

direct addressing mode

16T5 MCNone3-byte

SHLD address

[[address]] ← [L],[[address + 1]] ← [H]

store H-L pair direct

SHLD  2500H

direct addressing mode

16T5 MC None3-byte


[A] ← [[rp]]

Load accumulator indirect


Register indirect addressing mode

7T2 MCNone1-byte


[[rp]] ← [A]

store accumulator indirect


Register indirect addressing mode

7T2 MCNone1-byte


[H-L] ↔ [D-E]

Exchange the content of H-L pair with D-E pair


Register addressing mode

4T1 MCNone1-byte

MVI M, data

[[H-L]] ← [data] or [M] ← [data]

Move immediate data to memory

LXI H , 2400H  

MVI M, 08         



Register indirect addressing mode

10T3 MCNone2-byte

2. Arithmetic Group Instruction set of 8085

Read in Detail: Arithmetic Instructions of 8085

In this group, the data is performed as addition, subtraction, increment (add 1), decrement (subtract 1), etc.

The arithmetic operations implicitly assume that the content of the accumulator is one of the operands.

The results of the arithmetic operations are stored in the accumulator, thus the previous content of the accumulator is altered.

The flags are modified to reflect the data conditions of an operation.

The content of a register is not changed as a result of an arithmetic operation.

In the add operation, if the sum is larger than 8-bit, CY is set.

The subtraction operation is performed by using 2’s complement method and CY is complemented after subtraction.

If a subtraction results in a negative number, the answer is in 2’s complement and CY is set.

In unsigned arithmetic operations, the sign flag(S) should be ignored.

The instructions INR (Increment) and DCR (Decrement) are special cases of arithmetic operations.

Instruction SetMeaningExampleAddressing ModeT-StatesMachine CycleAffected FlagsBytes of Instruction


[A]← [A] + [r]

Add register to the accumulatorADD BRegister addressing mode4T1 MCAll 1-byte


[A]← [A] + [r] + [C]

Add register with carry to the accumulatorADC DRegister addressing mode4T1 MCAll 1-byte


[A]← [A] + [M] or

[A]← [A] + [[H-L]]

Add memory to accumulatorADD MRegister indirect addressing mode7T2 MCAll1-byte


[A]← [A] + [M] + [C] or

[A]← [A] + [[H-L]] + [C]

Add memory with carry to accumulatorADC MRegister indirect addressing mode7T2 MCAll1-byte

ADI data

[A]← [A] + data

Add immediate data to the accumulatorADI 08HImmediate addressing mode7T2 MCAll2-byte

ADI data

[A]← [A] + data + [C]

Add immediate data with carry to the accumulatorACI 08HImmediate addressing mode7T2 MCAll2-byte


[A]← [A] – [r]

Subtract register from the accumulatorSUB BRegister addressing mode4T1 MCAll1-byte


[A]← [A] – [r] – [C]

Subtract register from the accumulator with borrowSBB BRegister addressing mode4T1 MCAll1-byte


[A]← [A] – [M] or

[A]← [A] – [[H-L]]

Subtract memory from the accumulatorSUB MRegister indirect addressing mode7T2 MCAll1-byte


[A]← [A] – [M] – [C] or

[A]← [A] – [[H-L]] – [C]

Subtract memory from the accumulator with borrowSBB MRegister indirect addressing mode7T2 MCAll1-byte

SUI data

[A]← [A] – data

Subtract immediate data from the accumulatorSUI 01HImmediate addressing mode7T2 MCAll2-byte

SBI data

[A]← [A] – data – [C]

Subtract immediate data from the accumulator with borrowSBI 01HImmediate addressing mode7T2 MCAll2-byte


[r]← [r] + [01]

Increment register content by 1INR DRegister addressing mode4T1 MCAll except CY1-byte


[M]← [M] + [01] or

[[H-L]]← [[H-L]] + [01]

Increment the memory content by 1INR MIndirect Register addressing mode10T3 MCAll except CY1-byte

INX rp

[rp]← [rp] + [0001]

Increment the content of register pair by 1INX DRegister addressing mode6T1 MCNone1-byte


[r]← [r] – [01]

Decrement register content by 1DCR DRegister addressing mode4T1 MCAll except CY1-byte


[M]← [M] – [01] or

[[H-L]]← [[H-L]] – [01]

Decrement the memory content by 1DCR MIndirect Register addressing mode10T3 MCAll except CY1-byte

DCX rp

[rp]← [rp] – [0001]

Decrement the content of register pair by 1DCX DRegister addressing mode6T1 MCNone1-byte


Decimal adjust accumulator after additionDAAImplicit addressing mode4T1 MCAll1-byte

DAD rp

[[H-L]]← [[H-L]] + [rp]

Double addition register pairDAD HRegister addressing mode10T3 MConly CY 1-byte

3. Logical Group Instruction set of 8085

Also Read: Logical Instructions in 8085

The instruction set of this group performs AND, OR, EXOR operations, compare, rotate or take the complement of data in register or memory.

The process of performing logic operations through the software instructions is slightly different from the hardwired logic.

Logic operations are performed in relation to the content of the accumulator.

Logic operations simulate eight 2-input gates ( or inverters).

The sign, zero (and parity) flags are modified to reflect the status of operations. The carry flag is reset. However, the NOT operation does not affect any flags.

After a logic operation has been performed, the answers are placed in the accumulator replacing the original content of the accumulator.

The logic operations cannot be performed directly with the content of two registers.

The individual bits in the accumulator can be set or reset using logic instructions.

Instruction SetMeaningExampleAddressing ModeT-StatesMachine CycleAffected FlagsBytes of Instruction


[A] ← [A] ∧ [r]

AND register with the accumulatorANA BRegister addressing mode4T1 MCAll and AC=1, CY=01-byte


[A] ← [A] ∧ [M] or

[A] ← [A] ∧ [[H-L]]

AND memory with the accumulatorANA MRegister indirect addressing mode7T2 MCAll and AC=1, CY=01-byte

ANI data

[A] ← [A] ∧ data

AND immediate data with the accumulatorANI 01HImmediate addressing mode7T2 MCAll and AC=1, CY=02-byte


[A] ← [A] ∨ [r]

OR register with the accumulatorORA BRegister addressing mode4T1 MCAll and AC=0, CY=01-byte


[A] ← [A] ∨ [M] or

[A] ← [A] ∨ [[H-L]]

OR memory with the accumulatorORA MRegister indirect addressing mode7T2 MCAll and AC=0, CY=01-byte

ORI data

[A] ← [A] ∨ data

OR immediate data with the accumulatorORI 01HImmediate addressing mode7T2 MCAll and AC=0, CY=02-byte


[A] ← [A] ” data

EXOR register with the accumulatorXRA BRegister addressing mode4T1 MCAll and AC=0, CY=01-byte


[A] ← [A] ” [M] or

[A] ← [A] ” [[H-L]]

EXOR memory with the accumulatorXRA MRegister indirect addressing mode7T2 MCAll and AC=0, CY=01-byte

XRI data

[A] ← [A] ∨ data

EXOR immediate data with the accumulatorXRI 01HImmediate addressing mode7T2 MCAll and AC=0, CY=02-byte


[A] → [Ā]

Complement the accumulatorCMAImplicit addressing mode4T1 MCNone1-byte


Compare register with accumulatorCMP BRegister addressing moder4T1 MCAll1-byte


[A] ← [A] – [M]

Compare memory with accumulatorCMP MRegister indirect addressing mode7T2 MCAll1-byte

CPI data

[A] ← [A] – [data]

Compare immediate data with accumulatorCMP 01HImmediate addressing mode7T2 MCAll2-byte


[CS] ← [CS’]

Complement the carry statusCMC 4T1 MCNo flag except CY flag1-byte


[CS] ← 1

Set carry statusSTC 4T1 MC No flag except CY1-byte


[An+1] ← [An]

[Ao] ← [A7]

[CY] ← [A7]

Rotate accumulator left. The content of the accumulator is rotated left by one bit. Implicit addressing mode4T1 MConly CY1-byte


[An] ← [An+1]

[A7] ← [A0]

[CY] ← [A0]

Rotate accumulator right. The content of the accumulator is rotated right by one bit. RRCImplicit addressing mode4T1 MC only CY1-byte


[An+1] ← [An]

[CS] ← [A7]

[A0] ← [CS]

Rotate accumulator left through carry. The content of the accumulator is rotated left one bit through carry.

RALImplicit addressing mode4T1 MC only CY1-byte


[An] ← [An+1]

[CS] ← [A0]

[A7] ← [CS]

Rotate accumulator right through carry. The content of the accumulator is rotated right one bit through carry.

RARImplicit addressing mode4T1 MC only CY1-byte

4. Branch Group Instruction set of 8085

The Branch Instructions are the most powerful instructions because they allow the microprocessor to change the sequence of a program, either unconditionally or under certain test conditions.

These instructions are the key to the flexibility and versatility of a computer.

These are classified into 3 categories:

  1. JUMP instructions 
  2. CALL and RETURN instructions 
  3. RESTART instructions.

JMP Instruction:

Unconditional JMP Instructions:

  • This instruction enables the programmer to set up a continuous loop.
  • When this instruction is executed then PC content will become a specified address and the next instruction execution will start from the given address memory location.
  • 3-byte instruction
  • Immediate addressing mode
  • 3 MC 
  • 10 T-states

Conditional JMP Instructions:

  • This instruction allows the microprocessor to make decisions based on certain conditions indicated by the flags.
  • The conditional jump instruction checks the flag conditions and makes decisions to change or not to change the sequence of a program.
  • Out of five flags, 4 (CY, Z, S, and P) flags are used by conditional JMP, but the AC flag is not used.
JC16-bitJump on carry ( if result generates carry and CY=1 )
JNC16-bitJump on no carry ( CY=0 )
JZ16-bitJump on zero ( if result is zero and Z=1 )
JNZ16-bitJump on no zero ( Z=0 )
JP16-bitJump on plus ( if D7=0 and S=0 )
JM16-bitJump on minus ( if D7=1 and S=1 )
JPE16-bitJump on even parity ( P=1 )
JPO16-bitJump on add parity ( P=0 )

CALL Instruction:

  • It is used in the main program to call a subroutine.
  • When a subroutine is called, the contents of the PC, which is the address of the instruction following the CALL instruction, are stored on the stack and the program execution is transferred to the subroutine address.

Unconditional CALL Instructions:

  • When it is executed, the microprocessor will store the address of the next instruction in STACK, and the PC is located with a subroutine address.
  • 3-byte instruction
  • Immediate/Register indirect mode
  • 5 MC
  • 18 T-States
  • No flags are affected

Conditional CALL Instructions:

  • In this case, the program is transferred to the subroutine if the condition is met and this time it requires 5 MC and 18 T-States.
  • If the condition is not met then the main program is continued and it requires 2 MC and 9 T-states.
  • In this instruction, all flags are used except the AC flag. 
CC16-bitCall subroutine if carry flag is set ( CY = 1)
CNC16-bitCall subroutine if carry flag is reset (CY = 0)
CZ16-bitCall subroutine if zero flag is set ( Z=1 )
CNZ16-bitCall subroutine if zero flag is reset ( Z=0 )
CM16-bitCall subroutine if sign flag is set ( S=1, negative number)
CP16-bitCall subroutine if sign flag is reset ( S=0, positive number)
CPE16-bitCall subroutine if parity flag is set ( P=1, even parity)
CPO16-bitCall subroutine if parity flag is reset ( P=0, odd parity)

RETURN Instruction:

  • It is used at the end of the subroutine to return to the main program.
  • When the RET instruction is executed at the end of the subroutine, the memory address stored on the stack is retrieved, and the sequence of execution is resumed in the main program.

Unconditional RET Instructions:

  • It will change the program sequence from the subroutine to the main program.
  • 1-byte instruction
  • Implicit addressing mode
  • 3 MC
  • 10 T-states
  • No flags are affected.

Conditional RET Instructions:

  • In this case, the sequence of the program returns to the main program if the condition is met and at this time it requires 3 MC and 12 T-States.
  • If the condition is not met then the sequence of the program is continued in the subroutine and it requires 1-MC and 6 T-states.
  • In this instruction, all flags are used except the AC flag.
RC16-bitReturn if carry flag is set (CY=1)
RNC16-bitReturn if the carry flag is reset (CY=0)
RZ16-bitReturn if zero flag is set (Z=1)
RNZ16-bitReturn if the zero flag is reset (Z=0)
RM16-bitReturn if sign flag is set (S=1, negative number)
RP16-bitReturn if the sign flag is reset (S=0, positive number)
RPE16-bitReturn if parity flag is set (P=1, even parity)
RPO16-bitReturn if the parity flag is reset (P=0, odd parity)

5. Stack, I/O, and Machine Control Group Instruction set of 8085

The stack in an 8085 microprocessor is a group of memory locations in the R/W memory that is used for the temporary storage of binary information during the execution of the program.

PUSH, POP, SPHL, and XHTL are examples of instructions for stack groups.

IN, and OUT are examples of I/O groups.

NOP, EI, D, SIM, RIM, and HLT are examples of machine control groups.

Instruction SetMeaningExampleAddressing ModeT-StatesMachine CycleAffected FlagsBytes of Instruction


[[SP-1]] ← [rh]

[[SP-2]] ← [rl]

[SP] ← [SP] – 2

Push the content of register pair to stackPUSH HRegister indirect addressing mode12T3 MCNone1-byte

POP rp

[rl] ← [[SP]]

[rh] ← [[SP] + 1]

[SP] ← [SP] + 2

Pop the content of register pair to stack which was saved from the stackPOP HRegister indirect addressing mode10T3 MCNone1-byte


[H-L] → [SP]

Move the content of H-L pair to SPSPHLRegister addressing mode6T1 MC




[L] → [[SP]]

[H] → [[SP] + 1 ]

Exchange stack top with H-L pairXTHLRegister indirect addressing mode16T5 MC



IN Port address

[A] ← [Port]

Input to accumulator from I/O Port

IN 05

[Accumulator] ← [[05]]

Direct addressing mode10T3 MC



OUT Port address

[Port] ← [A]

Output from the accumulator to I/O Port

OUT 05

[[05]] ← [Accumulator]

Direct addressing mode10T3 MC






Implicit addressing mode5T1 MC








No operation

Read interrupt mask

Set interrupt mask

DIsable interrupt

Enable Interrupt

 All implicit addressing modeall 4T all 1 MC


All 1-byte


Which Logic can be used to set the bit?


Which Logic can be used to reset the bit?

AND -Logic

Which instruction can be made the content of the accumulator zero?


Which instruction is used to clear the lower 4 bits of the accumulator in the 8085 microprocessor?


Which programming is used in the design of the control unit?


In which principle does STACK work?

LIFO (Last in First Out)

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Hello friends, my name is Trupal Bhavsar, I am the Writer and Founder of this blog. I am Electronics Engineer(2014 pass out), Currently working as Junior Telecom Officer(B.S.N.L.) also I do Project Development, PCB designing and Teaching of Electronics Subjects.

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